in ইংলিশ by

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In Spanish, the verbs that translate to "to cast off" and "to cast out" are as follows:

1. To cast off:

"Desprender": This verb means to detach or cast off something. It can be used in various contexts, such as removing clothing or releasing something that was held.

Example: Desprendí la etiqueta de la ropa. (I cast off the label from the clothing.)

"Soltar": This means to let go or release something, often used in contexts like casting off a boat or a rope.

Example: Solté las amarras del barco. (I cast off the boat's lines.)

2. To cast out:

"Expulsar": This verb means to expel or cast out, often used in contexts where someone is removed from a place or situation.

Example: El club decidió expulsar a los miembros que no pagaban. (The club decided to cast out the members who did not pay.)

"Echar": This can also mean to throw out or cast out, used in both literal and figurative contexts.

Example: Echaron a la persona problemática del grupo. (They cast out the troublesome person from the group.)

These translations may vary based on context, so it's important to choose the appropriate verb depending on the situation being described.

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